Deaf Awareness Week is September 22-26, 2014
Deaf Awareness Week this year is September 22-26, 2014. Deaf Awareness Week, also called International Week of the Deaf (IWD), is celebrated annually and ends with International Day of the Deaf. Deaf Awareness Week is celebrated by national and regional associations of the deaf, local communities, and individuals worldwide.
The purpose of Deaf Awareness Week is to increase public awareness of deaf issues, people, and culture. Activities and events throughout Deaf Awareness Week encourage individuals to come together as a community for both educational events and celebrations. Find more information on Deaf Awareness Week.
There are many ways to participate in Deaf Awareness Week. Read about some ways people around the U.S. recognized Deaf Awareness Week last year by reading our 2013 Deaf Awareness Week Recap.
Share what you did during Deaf Awareness Week by leaving a comment below, telling us on our Facebook Page, or contacting us.
We will be posting things all week, so check out the Signing Savvy website, Facebook Page, and Twitter for posts and more information on Deaf Awareness Week.
Ms.LauraMonday, September 22, 2014
Hi, I am hearing with some limited exposure to ASL because I have a deaf niece. Other sounds missed are traffic sounds & emergency sirens, as well as severe weather sirens. Many sports parks have sirens for lightening but I don't recall any light signals. Flashing red would be a good choice (strobing white creates instant migraines for me).