Our Features Explained in Video

By Jillian Winn
Sunday, November 8, 2009

We try to make our many features as easy to understand and use as possible, BUT we know more explanation for some of our features is long overdue. We often get questions such as how do I create my own word list? How does the phrase builder work? How do I setup virtual flash cards and quizzes? How do I print multiple words on the same sheet of paper?

To address this, we have made a series of screencast recordings! We hope this set of videos will better explain our features so you can take full advantage of site. The videos are available by clicking the "i" icons in the About Section of the site or you can check them out on our YouTube Channel.

Several videos are up ... but we are still in the process of adding captions. Captions are on a few of the videos but we hope to get them on all the videos within the next week or so.


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