Signs, Signs, EVERYWHERE!
In many preschool or early childhood classes you walk into the room and you see the written words for different objects around the room everywhere. A chair has the word CHAIR on it, the cupboards are marked with the words PUZZLES, GAMES, PAINT etc... to indicate their contents, all in an effort to teach the children the written words for the different objects from their environment that they interact with everyday.
To teach signs, do the same thing! You can leave the written words in place and just add the printed signs from Signing Savvy along side them. You will be amazed at how quickly the students start knowing and using the signs of the objects they interact with daily.
Savvy User KarahSaturday, January 9, 2010
I have been signing for a few soon as I found out that a friend of mine was becoming deaf. I took several semesters at college and was even able to use it in my work place. I use it for songs which I have signed at church and other functions. I never realized how much living in silence can affect someone until I was made to do an exercise where I was not able to hear...and then try and communicate without communicate to someone who didnt understand sign. Its frustrating and makes one feel hopeless. My family has a history of hearing loss and it has afflicted my grandmother and now my mom is losing her hearing...I am terrified but I know that I want to be prepared in case...This website is simple to use and has an enormous volume of words to learn from...Its awesome and I am glad that I found it!!! Would be wonderful if there were a feature to have this placed in areas such as Facebook or Myspace...get the word out so we can reach out! =]