Signing Children’s Books: Baby’s First Library ABC

By John Miller
Friday, February 22, 2019

This article is part of our “Signing Children’s Books” series, which highlights children’s books and pairs them with pre-built Signing Savvy word lists to help you get started with learning and signing the vocabulary in the book. Reading and literacy is so important. By sharing these pre-built word lists, we hope to cut down on prep time for families that are just beginning to learn ASL and hope you can find more comfort in sharing literacy with our young deaf children.

Baby's First Library ABC is great to have it in your arsenal of board books. Each page contains a letter from the alphabet and a picture that corresponds with that letter. The simple pictures are colorful and clear and easy to identify for young children.

Extension Activities

The great thing to do with any board book is print off the signs and stick them in the book with tape or clear contact paper to help you remember the signs. Once my young students figured out the connection between signs and pictures, they loved looking through this book again and again. The students even liked using the book as a teaching tool for other students who were new to learning sign language.

There are also a ton of ideas on sites like Pinterest to do with ABC's. Check them out and have fun! 

Learning the ABCs in ASL

We also have some fun ABC handshape printables now on Signing Savvy for members that you could print out and use with this book.

Alphabet Letters in American Sign Language (ASL)

Signing Savvy Member Feature: Download this image / flyer as a printable PDF page.

Get the Pre-Built Word List for this Book!

I hope through the Baby’s First Library ABC pre-built word list you will feel confident to share this story with your children. For those that are more tech inclined, you can bring up signs on the Signing Savvy Member App using the pre-built word list as you go through the book. 

Word List for Baby’s First Library ABC

View word list of ASL signs for the book Babys First Library ABC

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