FAQ: Why is there a cost for Signing Savvy membership?
There are several things that are free to use on Signing Savvy. As a visitor (not logged in, free account), you may browse all of the signs by letter. To browse signs, you get started by clicking "Browse by letter" in the box near the top of the page that says "Browse Signs by...". As a Registered Guest (logged in, free account), you get 5 daily searches, plus you are able to see sign descriptions and example sentences. We offer these free features because we want everyone to have access to learn sign language.
There are many features to full membership (which has a cost and provides unrestricted, full access to all Signing Savvy features), like unlimited searching, larger videos, the ability to create wordlists, use flashcards and quizzing, ability to print signs, ability to build phrases, and access to use our mobile app. We would not be able to offer these features and maintain them (or even have the Signing Savvy website) without charging for membership. There is a cost to creating, maintaining, and growing the website - equipment, software, hardware, and staff costs.
We have tried to make membership affordable - similar in cost to what a comprehensive sign language textbook might cost for a class. We offer several pricing options to try to accommodate individual needs and budgets. For example, the $49.95 12-month membership averages out to only $4.17 per month. We also have a recommendation program where membership time is received when you recommend someone to Signing Savvy and they become a full member.
We hope that everyone will take advantage of the free features of Signing Savvy. Again, we offer free access to all of our signs through browsing and limited searches per day because we want everyone to have access to learn sign language. We hope that those who love to use Signing Savvy a lot and want to take advantage of the more advanced features would become full members in order to help support us and our continued growth so we may keep adding more sign videos, content, and features to the site. With the support of our members, we aim for Signing Savvy to be the best sign language learning resource.