(as in "weather man or woman")

Sign Notice

This sign is WEATHER + MAN. This is the original ASL sign for WEATHERMAN and is a literal translation (WEATHER + MAN). Because the English word “weatherman” can be used to talk about male or female weathermen, this sign can be used when describing meteorologists of either gender. Newer, gender-neutral English terms are meteorologist and weather person. See the other sign variations for other ways to sign this term as well.

What is being signed (English Meaning)

METEOROLOGIST (as in "weather man or woman")

Sign Type

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Sign Description

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This Sign is Used to Say (Sign Synonyms)

Example Sentence

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Sign Notice

This sign is WEATHER + MAN. This is the original ASL sign for WEATHERMAN and is a literal translation (WEATHER + MAN). Because the English word “weatherman” can be used to talk about male or female weathermen, this sign can be used when describing meteorologists of either gender. Newer, gender-neutral English terms are meteorologist and weather person. See the other sign variations for other ways to sign this term as well.

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