Word List: 'A Quiet Place' vocabulary (Visual Memory) Dr. B

Created By: Dr. B

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Many signs here are compared or contrasted with other ASL SIGNS that look similar. 

Sometimes the additional signs are a "compared or contrasted" with similar ENGLISH WORDS.  

All signs are now Target Vocabulary, even if they are not from "A Quiet Place." 

CONTINUE = continue, go on, keep on, go on, to last

FINAL = final, last, finally

SAFETY = safety, safe, salvation, rescue, free(dom), independent, liberty...

SAVE = save (v.), keep, preserve, reserve, hold

SUPERVISE = take care of,  but CAREFUL = take care, caution/cautious, wary

So, sign the concept, not the word.  "Last" could be FINAL or CONTINUE.  "Keep" could be SAVE=RESERVE or CONTINUE or KEEP,  "Save (v.)" could be SAFETY or SAVE/RESERVE.   "Last" could be FINAL, but "at last" is FINALLY.     "Take care" means "be careful" = CAREFUL, but "take care of" means "to oversee" = SUPERVISE.   It's the concept, not the words.  If you are confused, blame English and words.  The signs are consistently clear.