Word List: 1st Week: COLORS, Items, VIs. Mem. (July '22) Dr. B

Created By: Dr. B

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The Target Vocabulary from the first full week of school (July 25-29, 2022), which includes categories of COLORS [Bravo 6, plus SILVER #2 and GRAY and COLOR(verb)], the items/objects taught in the "Colors" slideshow, and the vocabulary taught in the Visual Memory Exercise: [ MUST/SHOULD;  COOK (noun/person and verb);  WANT;  LIKE;  HAVE/own/possess;  SIT/chair;  EAT/food;  WAKE-UP;  LOOK-AROUND;  SHINY/glimmery, glittery ]  and signs associated with the game UNO: [ CHANGE = reverse,  TAKE-TURNS, and PICK = draw or select ].