Word List: House Features, Rooms, Items (with Notes) Dr. B

Created By: Dr. B

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Member Tools (tutorial)

This tutorial covers three categores related to Describing a House:

  •   rooms of a house;
  •   structures/features of a house
  •   furniture and 'trappings' of a house -- room by room Alphabetical order withing each subcategory

GENERAL SIGNS FOR HOUSES (Rooms & Features):  furniture, air conditioner, bathroom, bedroom, dining room, family room, kitchen, laundry room, living-room/den, study (room)

SIGNS FOR HOUSE STRUCTURES & FEATURES:  attic,  basement, ceiling, door, floor, hall/hallway, roof, stairs/steps/stairway, wall, window

SIGNS FOR BATHROOM THINGS:  bathtub, mirror, shower, shower curtain, sink, toilet , towel (Of course, there is the sink/basin and could be curtains, soap, shampoo, etc., whose signs have already been taught.)

SIGNS FOR BEDROOM THINGS:  bed, blanket/covers, closet, curtain, dresser, night stand, shelf (There could be pictures, light, fan, lamp, chair, etc.)

SIGNS FOR KITCHEN THINGS (large items and appliances, not silverware and other particular things):  cabinet(s), chair, coffee maker, counter, dishwasher, microwave, oven, refrigerator, sink, stove, table   (You might know other signs:  curtains, plate, dish, cup, glass, fork, spoon, knife, napkin, and any variety of foods.)

SIGNS FOR LAUNDRY ROOM:  dryer, hot water heater, washing machine (Of course, there could be shelves, a sink, etc.)

SIGNS FOR LIVING ROOM THINGS:  candle, ceiling fan, clock, coffee table, drapes, electric light, fireplace, floor lamp / lamp, painting, picture, sofa/couch  (There could be chair, mirror, end tables, etc.)