Word List: H&P Unit 6: Expressing Yourself [Parts of the Day, Adjectives (Emotions/Attitudes/Feelings), Negatives, Modals, Other Vocab.] Dr. B

Created By: Dr. B

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"Learning American Sign Language" (H&P), Unit 6 These vocabulary signs/words appear in the dialogues (as old or new vocabulary) and/or at the end of the unit, as target vocabulary.

Parts of the Day:  DAY;  NIGHT (evening);  MORNING;  AFTERNOON [text shows 'evening' or 'late afternoon'];  NOON

Adjectives (Emotions/Attitudes/Feelings): SURPRISED (amazed);  ENTHUSIASTIC (enthused, eager, motivated); SATISFIED (will 'do');  HAPPY (glad) [one-handed version shown];  SAD (forlorn, crestfallen);  MAD (angry, irate) [one version];  CRANKY (grouchy);  EXCITED [cp 'thrill'];  NERVOUS (anxious) [1 version];  UPSET;  SO-SO (mediocre, unimpressive);  SLEEPY (drowsy);  HUNGRY (starving; wish for, yearn) [NMCs];  TIRED (exhausted, weary, fatigued, etc.) [NMCs];  SICK (ill, ailing, not well)

Negative:  DON'T-LIKE, dislike;  DON'T-WANT;  DON'T-KNOW

Modals (influence the mode or function of verbs):  MUST, have to, need to, need, necessary, got to, etc. [NMCs];  WILL, future, shall, going to;  ABLE, can, could;  SHOULD, ought, ought to [NMCs]

Other Vocabulary (to express yourself and your questions):  HOW?;  WRONG, error, mistake;  LATE, tardy [compare to  the sign 'NOT-YET']; {contrast LATE + -ER with LATER (after while)};  ROLL-AROUND ['fitful sleep,' 'toss and turn'];  COFFEE, java, joe...;  WOW!, whew!, impressive, awesome; SHOW-UP, appear suddenly, pop up;  CALM-DOWN, take it easy, settle; WANT,  desire;  LIKE (drawn to);  STINK, stinky, smelly;  WORRY (worries, cares, troubles);  PASS [physically (use CL:3 as appropriate for vehicles) or on a test];  FLUNK [F on a paper];  TEST (exam) [compare/contrast QUIZ, TEST, EXAM (according to Dr. B)];  STOP (cease, quit it, desist, etc.)