Word List: H&P Unit 2: Learning ASL (In Class; Questions; Other Vocab.) - Dr. B

Created By: Dr. B

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Sign Vocabulary from Humphries & Padden (Learning American Sign Language), Unit 2: Learning ASL. The following vocabulary list contains the Vocabulary at the back of the Unit PLUS the added vocabulary and features that are presented within the pages of Unit 2 (whatever is available on Signing Savvy).

In Class:  TEACH, educate, instruct;  LEARN, acquire information, find out;  CLASS, group; category; many, but considered a single entity;  COURSE, lesson [compare to LIST];  COLLEGE, university [higher education (compared to SCHOOL)];  SCHOOL, academic [flat hands];  INSTITUTE = 'residential school for the deaf,' institution;  MAINSTREAM [blended together with more 'forward' movement];  SIGNING, sign language;  FINGERSPELL, alphabet, spell out, spelling;  PENCIL [use the ending part for WRITE and PEN];  PAPER [compare to CHEESE and NEW and MOVIE and SCHOOL];  BOOK

Question SIgns:  WHICH?;  WHY? [2 or 3 ways]   {review: WHO?  WHERE?}

Other Vocabulary:  TAKE-UP, adopt;  ONE (palm forward or inward);  UNDERSTAND, comprehend, realize, 'get it,' grasp, etc.;  NAMED, called, give a name to:  OH-I-SEE, 'I follow your story' [but not necessarily agreeing];  MEANING;  EXPLAIN, describe [9-Handshapes];  AGAIN, repeat, encore, once more, do over (again);  PLEASE [the polite word/sign];  HAVE, possess, own [firm 'Bent Open-B Handshapes];  MORE [tapped];  over-THERE (approximate, distant) [directionally/locationally appropriate];  THERE (specific, nearby) [directionally/locationally appropriate];  HERE {version 1, rare};  HERE [version 2, more common] (circling your flat hands, moving closer as you draw inward, then circling apart across your chest);  SIMILAR, same as you, you and I have something in common [applies as with other pronouns/locations]

March 3, 2013