Sign Word List: Bravo 1 - Dr. B
Word 37 of 52

Word List Author Note: Dr. B uses this, but with a single motion (not double) to show 'simple past.' The other signs (ASL 2, ASL 3, ASL 4) show various ways to indicate the past. All signs indicating "past" have a 'backward' direction. (YESTERDAY, RECENTLY, LAST-WEEK, etc., all move 'back'.) As you have heard, time is relative (as is space/location), so know what you mean when you sign PAST / AGO / WAY-BACK. NMCs may be involved with this sign.

Sign Notice

The distance your hand goes back and the number for movements shows how long ago it was. This is the shortest time ago.

What is being signed (English Meaning)


Sign Type

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Example of Usage
English Sentence

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ASL Gloss

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Sign Notice

The distance your hand goes back and the number for movements shows how long ago it was. This is the shortest time ago.

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