Word List: Bravo 9 (with Notes) -- Dr. B

Created By: Dr. B

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Target Vocabulary from Bravo 9. See also "Bravo ASL!, Lesson 9, Added/Related Vocabulary" in the next SS lesson.

Every one of the vocabulary entries have an Author's Note.  Be familiar with these Notes. 

There are 41 entrees here, but only about 39 different signs to know.  You've already been taught (before even starting on Bravo Lesson 9) 27 of the new Target Vocabulary.  This leaves only 12 signs to learn.  Among them are very easy signs, such as BALANCE, WITHDRAWAL, and SOCIAL-SECURITY (which is S-S).  Be sure to become familiar with the new t-v in the "Bravo ASL Lesson 9 Added/Related Vocabulary" list.