Sign Word List: Bravo 9 (with Notes) -- Dr. B
Word 19 of 44

Word List Author Note: The sign is HOW-MANY?, but the English is understood as "how much?" It is used when asking about a number amount of something (the count of things, cost, age, etc.). If the answer is a number amount, the ASL question is "HOW-MANY?" This can be signed with one or both hands.


(as in "the amount or size of something non-countable")

What is being signed (English Meaning)

HOW MUCH (as in "the amount or size of something non-countable")

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This Sign is Used to Say (Sign Synonyms)
  • HOW MUCH (as in "the amount or size of something non-countable")

Examples of Usage
English Sentence

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English Sentence

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English Sentence

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