Sign Word List: FAMILY TREE Vocabulary - Dr. B
Word 31 of 61

Word List Author Note: NEWER SIGN (non-initialized): touch thumb-tips of both 5-handshapes (palm forward) to each other. Move hands forward and around-to-inward (palms facing torso), ending with pinkies touching and fingers together (flat O-hands), fingertips upward. OLDER (initialized) SIGN: start with thumb-side of F-hands touching (palms out), circle around so pinkies touch (palms in) -- similar for initialized Agency, Association, Class, Organization, Society, Team, Tribe, WorkShop


Sign Notice

The video above is NOT a single sign, rather it is composed of multiple signs in the sentence. The sentence MAY NOT be translated from English word order to ASL syntax nor translated based on meaning.

What is being signed (English Meaning)


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The video above is NOT a single sign, rather it is composed of multiple signs in the sentence. The sentence MAY NOT be translated from English word order to ASL syntax nor translated based on meaning.

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