Word List: Lion and the Lamb
Created By: Savvy User Annette
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Easter 2017
(as in "to come, come back, or come here")
(as in "expression of future tense")
(as in "the gesture, to take a bow")
(as in "downward")
(as in "every single")
(as in "separate or cause to separate")
(as in "to break something or no longer working")
(as in "the body part")
(as in "to give praise to God")
(as in "to be able or permitted to do something")
(as in "to stop")
(as in "God")
(as in "all powerful")
(as in "the Christian God")
(as in "the animal")
(as in "the animal")
(as in "strong or with great force")
(as in "every single")
(as in "the gesture, to take a bow")
(as in "before something begins")
(as in "the Christian God")
(as in "a young sheep")
(as in "a young sheep")
(as in "internal bodily fluid")
(as in "separate or cause to separate")
(as in "every single")
(as in "the gesture, to take a bow")
(as in "before something begins")
(as in "the animal")
(as in "a young sheep")
(as in "every single")
(as in "the gesture, to take a bow")
(as in "before something begins")
(as in "the animal")
(as in "a young sheep")
(as in "something is open")
(as in "to create")
(as in "a road or address")
(as in "before something begins")
(as in "the Christian God")
(as in "summon someone")
(as in "rescue")
(as in "put")
(as in "cost nothing or independent")
(as in "to be able or permitted to do something")
(as in "to stop")
(as in "God")
(as in "all powerful")
(as in "the Christian God")
(as in "the animal")
(as in "the animal")
(as in "strong or with great force")
(as in "every single")
(as in "the gesture, to take a bow")
(as in "before something begins")
(as in "the Christian God")
(as in "a young sheep")
(as in "a young sheep")
(as in "internal bodily fluid")
(as in "separate or cause to separate")
(as in "every single")
(as in "the gesture, to take a bow")
(as in "before something begins")
(as in "the animal")
(as in "a young sheep")
(as in "every single")
(as in "the gesture, to take a bow")
(as in "before something begins")
(as in "the animal")
(as in "a young sheep")
(as in "to be able or permitted to do something")
(as in "to stop")
(as in "God")
(as in "all powerful")
(as in "to be able or permitted to do something")
(as in "to stop")
(as in "God")
(as in "all powerful")
(as in "to be able or permitted to do something")
(as in "to stop")
(as in "God")
(as in "all powerful")
(as in "to be able or permitted to do something")
(as in "to stop")
(as in "God")
(as in "all powerful")
(as in "to be able or permitted to do something")
(as in "to stop")
(as in "God")
(as in "all powerful")
(as in "to be able or permitted to do something")
(as in "to stop")
(as in "God")
(as in "all powerful")
(as in "to be able or permitted to do something")
(as in "to stop")
(as in "God")
(as in "all powerful")
(as in "to be able or permitted to do something")
(as in "to stop")
(as in "God")
(as in "the Christian God")
(as in "the animal")
(as in "the animal")
(as in "strong or with great force")
(as in "every single")
(as in "the gesture, to take a bow")
(as in "before something begins")
(as in "the Christian God")
(as in "a young sheep")
(as in "a young sheep")
(as in "internal bodily fluid")
(as in "separate or cause to separate")
(as in "every single")
(as in "the gesture, to take a bow")
(as in "before something begins")
(as in "the animal")
(as in "a young sheep")
(as in "every single")
(as in "the gesture, to take a bow")
(as in "before something begins")
(as in "the animal")
(as in "a young sheep")
(as in "every single")
(as in "the gesture, to take a bow")
(as in "before something begins")
(as in "the animal")
(as in "a young sheep")
(as in "every single")
(as in "the gesture, to take a bow")
(as in "before something begins")
(as in "the animal")
(as in "a young sheep")