Sign Word List: 'A Quiet Place' signs/sentences w/ notes - Dr. B
Word 9 of 52

Word List Author Note: GLOSS: IT NEVER SUCCEED! This is a good gloss for it, but you could sign WORK. Signing IT is appropriate, only because the "it" is right there, so you can point to it. If "it" was something you spoke about, but wasn't there, then you probably should not sign IT. An even better way to sign this in ASL would be: IT SUCCEED NEVER (with the 'general time indicator' at the end). COSTELLO's ASL Dictionary: NEVER; SUCCESSFUL

It never works!

Sign Notice

The video above is NOT a single sign, rather it is composed of multiple signs in the sentence. The sentence MAY NOT be translated from English word order to ASL syntax nor translated based on meaning.

What is being signed (English Meaning)

It never works!

Sign Description

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The video above is NOT a single sign, rather it is composed of multiple signs in the sentence. The sentence MAY NOT be translated from English word order to ASL syntax nor translated based on meaning.

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