Iconic Signs Featured as the Sign of the Day
Next week, from March 22 through March 29, our Sign of the Days will feature iconic signs. Iconic signs convey the meaning of what is being signed. Look for the signs for HELLO, DRINK, EAT, AIRPLANE, CAR, BICYCLE, TYPE, and BALL.
You can see more iconic signs by visiting the Iconic Signs wordlist from the soon to be released book Activities in American Sign Language published by the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) Press. The book by Brenda Cartwright and Sue Bahleda groups signs by topic with practice sentences and great activities - a fun way to learn and practice American Sign Language.
Check out the wordlists that correspond with the book and watch for the book to be released soon!
Savvy User BrendaMonday, March 23, 2015
Hi, will the book have some pages/signs that can be printed off to put on a wall? I have a friend who is teaching her charges some basic signs; milk, eat, more, bathroom... Or is that something available through Baby Sign?
I look forward to seeing this book.