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Best value! 36-months at a 64% discount over the one month pricing.

Great value! 12-months at a 58% discount over the one month pricing.

Ideal for a semester class! 4-months at a 37% discount over the one month pricing.

Lowest cost of entry!

Auto-Renewing Membership! Your subscription will be automatically renewed each month. Monthly subscriptions are handled through PayPal. You can cancel your subscription at anytime. If you cancel, your membership will continue for the remainder of the time you have paid for.

This gives you additional features over visitors and is free. However, it does not provide the features of full membership.

NOTE: You may also purchase a gift membership for someone else, bulk memberships to allocate to multiple people, an educational institution membership, a non-educational institution membership, or a public library membership. If you already have a gift activation code, you can activate it.

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