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About Signing Savvy Video

About Signing Savvy Video

By John Miller
Sunday, January 13, 2013

This video gives a brief overview of the Signing Savvy service and the inspiration behind it by one of the Signing Savvy founders, John Miller.  In addition to his work on Signing Savvy, John has been a teacher, educator, and administrator at the K-12 and University level.  His focus throughout his career has been on Deaf Education and working with Deaf and Hard of Hearing children and their parents. Transcript of Video Over 90% of deaf and hard of hearing children are born ...
Thinking BROAD as you learn sign

Thinking BROAD as you learn sign

By John Miller
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Recently I visited with a group of parents of young deaf children who were sharing their frustrations and struggles with learning sign. They were asking for tips to improve their skills as their families learn the language of their young deaf children.  Their question is one that I hear often, and I know I have addressed it in previous blogs, but because I hear it so much, I thought it might be good to discuss it again. I will also ...
Happy Holidays 2012

Happy Holidays 2012

By Jillian Winn
Sunday, December 23, 2012

From all of us at Signing Savvy, we wish you joy and happiness during this holiday season and all the best in ...
The Many Faces of the Users of Sign Language

The Many Faces of the Users of Sign Language

By John Miller
Sunday, November 25, 2012

About a year and a half ago, I came across a young man having problems in one of my schools.  He was about five years old and like any other five year old boy, he was a bit stubborn.  But, unfortunately, he was also known to be a bit of a “flight risk” from the classroom.  We will call him Alex. Alex isn’t deaf.  I don’t even think he is hard of hearing.  Alex is a very bright young man….a bright ...
Vote or pass gas?

Vote or pass gas?

By John Miller
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Seeing that we are in midst of the election season, I thought it would only be fitting to share a non-partisan sign language story that should give you a good chuckle as you enter your local voting precinct. This story relates directly to how signs can have very similar hand shapes and very similar movements BUT can have very different meanings just because of a few subtle changes!  For example, see the similarity between the signs for vote and fart. This experience ...
Clearing Up the Confusion Between Translators, Interpreters, and Interveners

Clearing Up the Confusion Between Translators, Interpreters, and Interveners

By John Miller
Saturday, October 20, 2012

I thought it might be interesting for the Signing Savvy community to hear a little bit about the people who work in communication fields with deaf, deafblind, and hard of hearing individuals. It's easy to misunderstand the difference (or to even know there is a difference!) between a translator, interpreter, and intervener. However, they are different professions with varying expertise. The type of person you would work with would depend on the situation and needs of the individual, such as the ...
Braille Explained

Braille Explained

By Jillian Winn
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

There is sometimes confusion between the communication techniques used with deafness versus blindness, especially with understanding what Braille is and who uses it. It's not uncommon to tell someone you know sign language and then they ask if you know Braille. Braille is typically not used by deaf or hard of hearing individuals. It is a written language used by the blind and visually impaired who may have a hard time, or be unable to read written text. Braille uses patterns ...
This week is Deaf Awareness Week!

This week is Deaf Awareness Week!

By Jillian Winn
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

This week, September 24th to 30th, is Deaf Awareness Week. Deaf Awareness Week, also called International Week of the Deaf (IWD), is celebrated annually and ends with International Day of the Deaf on the last Sunday of the week.  Deaf Awareness Week is celebrated by national and regional associations of the deaf, local communities, and individuals worldwide. The purpose of Deaf Awareness Week is to increase public awareness of deaf issues, people, and culture.  Activities and events throughout Deaf Awareness Week ...
Learning Many Languages to Master Just One

Learning Many Languages to Master Just One

By Kelley King-Spears
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What do you do when you know deep in your gut that something is different about your child? How do you handle it when people tell you there's nothing to worry about? How do you give your little one the best start you possibly can when it feels like you're running against the wind? These are just some of the thoughts that used to race around in my head when I realized that the little boy I had adopted was presenting ...
A blended approach to learning sign language is still the best!

A blended approach to learning sign language is still the best!

By John Miller
Monday, August 20, 2012

I often am asked what the best way to go about learning sign language is.  My stock answer is to take a blended approach (classes, web resources, books, practicing with others) in order to give yourself the best and most well rounded experience. Classes of some sort, whether it is through your local community college, church, school class, or becoming enrolled in an actual interpreter training program can all be great ways to learn the language.  The reason for this is ...