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Signing Savvy Featured as 1 of 15 Pure Michigan Businesses

Signing Savvy Featured as 1 of 15 Pure Michigan Businesses

By Jillian Winn
Thursday, May 5, 2016

You may not know this, but Signing Savvy is based in Michigan. That does not mean the signs on Signing Savvy are regional to Michigan or that only people from Michigan work for Signing Savvy, just that the company itself was founded and exists physically in Michigan. Of course, we are an online business so we connect with you wherever you are. So far, over 10 million people have used Signing Savvy - the majority of people who use Signing ...
Guide to Using Sign Language With Your Hearing Baby: 0 to 6 Months

Guide to Using Sign Language With Your Hearing Baby: 0 to 6 Months

By Jillian Winn
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

It’s easy to start signing with your baby and it’s amazing to be able to communicate with them through sign before they are able to talk. To get started, simply use signs when communicating with your child. There isn’t a "right" way or specific order to learning or teaching signs, just start by picking signs that make the most sense in the context of your baby’s life. There is no limit to how many signs you should introduce at a ...
Signs That Are Close... But Not the Same - Set 1

Signs That Are Close... But Not the Same - Set 1

By Brenda Cartwright
Friday, April 8, 2016

This article is part of our “Signs That Are Close... But Not the Same” series, which highlights signs that look similar, but have different meanings. The signs discussed in this article include (1) SICK vs. DISEASE, (2) ASK vs. QUESTION, (3) SENATE vs. COMMITTEE, (4) SCIENCE vs. EXPERIMENT, (5) CONVINCE ME vs. CONVINCE YOU, (6) PRAY vs. REQUEST, (7) ATTENTION vs. FOCUS, (8) RUSSIA vs. BRAG, (9) DRINK (as in "drink something non-alcoholic") vs. DRINK (as in "drink liquor"), (10) DON'T MIND vs. DON'T CARE, (11) GLASSES vs. GALLAUDET, (12) EMPTY vs. AVAILABLE, (13) SAD vs. FRIENDLY, (14) MARCH vs. FUNERAL.
ASL in the Classroom: One Thanksgiving Story with Many Titles

ASL in the Classroom: One Thanksgiving Story with Many Titles

By Kathleen Marcath
Monday, March 21, 2016

Signing Savvy membership is a great tool and has saved me lots of time! I have the wonderful privilege to share ASL with the students at St. Peter's Lutheran School. Together with the classroom teacher, Mrs. Susan Bennett, we wanted to create a project for the students to learn ASL. We picked the topic, Thanksgiving. The goal of the project was for the students to be able to share sign language with their families on Thanksgiving Day.
Living Loud: Juliette Gordon Low - Founder of the Girl Scouts and Philanthropist

Living Loud: Juliette Gordon Low - Founder of the Girl Scouts and Philanthropist

By Marta Belsky
Thursday, March 10, 2016

Juliette Gordon Low was Founder of the Girl Scouts and Philanthropist. Read the article to learn more about the life and accomplishments of this amazing deaf woman.
Interpreter 4-1-1: 6 Tips for How Interpreters Can Stay Healthy

Interpreter 4-1-1: 6 Tips for How Interpreters Can Stay Healthy

By Brenda Cartwright
Friday, February 26, 2016

We as interpreters are notorious for not taking care of our bodies. We see lots of Repetitive Motion Injury among colleagues. We spend a lot of time in our cars. We may develop unhealthy habits (eating fast food or a lack of exercise). In a profession where the primary focus is other people, we need to keep ourselves healthy. Here are 6 tips for how Interpreters can stay healthy...
When and How to Start Using Sign Language With Your Hearing Baby

When and How to Start Using Sign Language With Your Hearing Baby

By Jillian Winn
Thursday, February 4, 2016

When to start signing with your hearing baby? Experts recommend to start talking to your child at birth – even newborns benefit from hearing speech and talking to your child is an important part of how they learn language and to speak. You can talk to them, describe what you are doing as you’re doing it, describe what’s going on around you, tell stories, sing songs, and read books. Because we would talk to our son when he was born, it just ...
Interpreter 4-1-1: Ways Interpreters Can Stay Passionate

Interpreter 4-1-1: Ways Interpreters Can Stay Passionate

By Brenda Cartwright
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

You will meet interpreters who are burnt out and no longer care about doing their best. Perhaps they are satisfied with their entry level certification. Or they only go to workshops to get their required CEUs. Here are some suggestions to keep that spark that drew you into the Interpreter profession in the first place.
America’s Next Top Model Winner “Just Happens To Be Deaf”

America’s Next Top Model Winner “Just Happens To Be Deaf”

By Jillian Winn
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

There are multiple reasons why 26-year-old Nyle DiMarco’s crown as the winner of American’s Next Top Model (ANTM) is significant (besides his good looks!) - he is the last winner of ANTM because this was the last season, he is only the second male winner out of 22 cycles, and he is Deaf.
Short Film from CNN Highlights a Deaf All-American Family

Short Film from CNN Highlights a Deaf All-American Family

By Jillian Winn
Monday, November 23, 2015

With Thanksgiving this week, this short film from CNN does a nice job of highlighting what many of us are most thankful for - family. The short film, called “All-American Family” shares the story of the Pedersen family, a deaf family with deaf parents, two deaf sons, and one hearing son. It gives a glimpse into Deaf culture and what living in a Deaf family and Deaf community is like.