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Interpreter Q & A: Will Technology and Cochlear Implants Make Interpreters Become Obsolete

Interpreter Q & A: Will Technology and Cochlear Implants Make Interpreters Become Obsolete

By Brenda Cartwright
Sunday, February 3, 2019

This Interpreter Q & A asks: I am currently in an interpreter training program, but I’m starting to have doubts about the viability of my choice of careers. My concern is twofold. I’ve heard several experts say that interpreters will one day be replaced by technology! I also am aware that cochlear implants are a big deal for parents with young deaf children, so I’m wondering if maybe interpreters will become obsolete. What do you think? This article is part of our "Dear BC, Interpreter Q & A” series, which answers questions on interpreting and Deaf culture from multiple perspectives.
Signing Children’s Books: Snowmen at Night

Signing Children’s Books: Snowmen at Night

By John Miller
Friday, February 1, 2019

The Snowmen at Night is a wintery classic that explores the reason why our snowmen look different when we wake up in the morning. It is a fun fantasy of how our snowmen meet up and play while we are all fast asleep. The book is discussed and paired with a pre-built Signing Savvy word list to help you get started with learning and signing the vocabulary in the book.
Cooking Up Language with Signs: Melting Snowman Cookies

Cooking Up Language with Signs: Melting Snowman Cookies

By John Miller
Friday, February 1, 2019

Today I’m cooking up Melting Snowman Cookies. I chose this recipe as I was working on the article and word list for Signing Children’s Books: Snowmen at Night. These are really easy cookies to make and are really cute. Let the kids get creative with how they decorate them and make each one look different. The article features a recipe and accompanying Signing Savvy word list to get you started on an interactive cooking activity that is great for spicing up language learning at home or in the classroom.
Signing Savvy Anniversary - A Lot Can Happen in 10 Years!

Signing Savvy Anniversary - A Lot Can Happen in 10 Years!

By Jillian Winn
Tuesday, January 29, 2019

This month is the 10th anniversary of the public launch of Signing Savvy. In those 10 years, nearly 22 million people have used Signing Savvy. When we set out over ten years ago to create Signing Savvy, we had a vision to create an online sign language resource for educators, parents, interpreters, students, or anyone interested in American Sign Language. Many people are shocked when they learn that 95% of all deaf and hard of hearing children are born to hearing parents. This ...
Living Loud: Mandy Harvey – Singer, Ambassador, and Author

Living Loud: Mandy Harvey – Singer, Ambassador, and Author

By Marta Belsky
Sunday, January 27, 2019

Mandy Harvey was a Singer, Ambassador, and Author. Read the article to learn more about the life and accomplishments of this amazing hard of hearing woman.
Signing Children’s Books: The Napping House

Signing Children’s Books: The Napping House

By John Miller
Thursday, January 24, 2019

The Napping House by Audrey and Don Wood is a well-loved children’s classic "build upon" book. Kids love these kinds of books, where there is repetition and humor accompanied by beautiful, engaging pictures. The book is discussed and paired with a pre-built Signing Savvy word list to help you get started with learning and signing the vocabulary in the book.
Signs That Are Close... But Not the Same - Set 9

Signs That Are Close... But Not the Same - Set 9

By Brenda Cartwright
Sunday, January 20, 2019

This article is part of our “Signs That Are Close... But Not the Same” series, which highlights signs that look similar, but have different meanings. The signs discussed in this article include (1) CHILD vs. SHORT, (2) PIG vs. DIRTY, (3) CHAIR vs. SIT, (4) TRUE vs. TELL, and (5) BUT vs. DIFFERENT.
Signing Children’s Books: Piggies

Signing Children’s Books: Piggies

By John Miller
Friday, January 18, 2019

In the book Piggies, Audrey and Don Wood created a beautiful take on classic finger play. The illustrations show cute little pigs dancing and playing on the tips of hands. Hands covered in mittens, bubbles, and even mud! The book is discussed and paired with a pre-built Signing Savvy word list to help you get started with learning and signing the vocabulary in the book.
Signing Children’s Books: Goodnight Moon

Signing Children’s Books: Goodnight Moon

By John Miller
Friday, January 11, 2019

Goodnight Moon is one of the first books every new parent reads to their little ones. It's simple and a classic. It has a copyright of 1947, yet it still remains on the best seller list today! The book is discussed and paired with a pre-built Signing Savvy word list to help you get started with learning and signing the vocabulary in the book.
Cooking Up Language with Signs: Banana Monkey Bread

Cooking Up Language with Signs: Banana Monkey Bread

By John Miller
Thursday, January 3, 2019

Today I’m cooking up Banana Monkey Bread. I chose this recipe as I was working on the article and word list for Signing Children’s Books: Five Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed. I LOVE Monkey Bread, but you can also find plenty of different activities to do online that can easily be connected to the Five Little Monkeys book series. The article features a recipe and accompanying Signing Savvy word list to get you started on an interactive cooking activity that is great for spicing up language learning at home or in the classroom.